Excerpts from ‘Becoming the Answers to Our Prayers’ III

by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

“The moment we are no longer tempted by the “pots of meat” the empire offers, we should be concerned—for if we can’t feel the temptation, we have probably given in to it.”

“Living in community allows us to know people well enough to see the work they have to do to meet their basic needs. Loving in community often looks like choosing to do someone’s dirty work for them.”

“Many people look at the empty cathedrals in Europe and wonder if our megachurches will become museums in the next generation.”

“(W)e should pray that we would become the sort of people who are safe for God to trust with miracles. We must become people who will not exploit or market or pervert the power of the Spirit. We must become people who get out of the way of God.”

“(W)e need to pray like everything depends on God and live like God has no other plan but the church.”

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