Best of Zimbabwe 2021

This was technically my third time in Zimbabwe. The first time I was just passing through as part of my 5000km southern Africa motorcycle trip back in 2013/14. The second time hardly counts as I simply crossed the border at Victoria Falls and spend a few days in Vic Falls, Zim which is really it’s own little enclave unlike the rest of the country.

This third time was for the “opening” of CURE’s newest hospital in Zimbabwe. I got to spend just over two weeks there with essentially three weekends to explore and shoot some photos. So once again, here I present Instagram‘s favorite photos of my time there vs my favorite photos of my time there:

Number 3

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

For your number three, you chose this shot of Nswatugi Cave in the Matobo Hills. I chose this shot of my friend’s thatched house. I love the clouds in this shot, but especially the unexpected nature of seeing an Irish thatched cottage in the middle of Zimbabwe.

Number 2

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

For your number two, you chose this shot of my friend driving in the shadow of a massive rock formation. Honestly, I don’t get all y’all. I obviously like this shot since I took it and posted it, but out of all my shots from this time around in Zim, it didn’t even come close to making my top three. My number two was the cave shot. I love how the grass kind of creates a few leading lines guiding your eyes into the cave, but what I love the most is the color variations in the rocks!

Number 1

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

Your number one was the thatched cottage which, in a sense, I get. But my favorite shot was one that you actually ranked at number four. I LOVE this shot of this tree at the Hillside Dams. I love the gnarled branches, the hollowed trunk, and the soft warm light.

So there you have it, your top three vs my top three.

Last time we did this, I added your top shot to my print store, but this time I refuse. It feels weird to sell photos of someone’s house. Also, I’m so in love with the tree photo that I’m going to add that one to the print store.

Check it out at and get yourself a copy.

If you want to see more of my Best Of posts, check out below:

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