Best of Ecuador 2021

At the beginning of July, I got to spend two weeks in Ecuador making things officially official with my now girlfriend, meeting her family, and exploring her beautiful country. Seeing that my priorities were elsewhere other than taking landscape-esque photos, I didn’t take and post as many shots as I usually do, but this won’t be my last time to Ecuador. There will be plenty more time for photo excursions in the future. Needlessly, here are my top three vs your/instagram’s top three from my time there!

Number 3

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

For the No. 3 shot, you chose this image of a fishing boat and nets on Ecuador’s Pacific coast. My No. 3 was this bank in the historic district of Quito. I love the warm colors paired with the light flares coming off the sun directly above the bank. I also love the symmetry of the bank.

Number 2

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

For No. 2, our No. 3 choices just flip-flopped. I do love the boat and nets in the foreground, but my favorite part of this shot is the sky! I just wish I had remembered my ND filters so I could have gotten some motion blur up there in the clouds.

Number 1

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

The No. 1 shot is where our tastes diverged. You chose this long exposure shot of this waterfall. I also love the lusciousness of the foliage and how is cradles the waterfall. But my No. 1 shot was this shot of the beach with a lone person walking as the sun sets behind him. I love the light and the ways the buildings pull our eyes into the horizon and the lone walker.

There you have it “your” top three vs my top three. If you want to see more of my Best Of posts, check out below:

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