The Best of Scotland

Now that I’m reasonably settled, I’m once again able to sort through my experiences, process, and compare my favourite photos to what you, the internet, have told me my best photos are via fake instagram points.

So here I present the Scotland version:

Instagram Hivemind Top 3           My Top 3




Some notes:

The daytime shot of the Old Man of Storr (Instagram Hivemind #1 and My #3) is the closest I’ve ever come to going viral with well over 1000 fake internet points. Don’t worry, I’m not letting it go to my head, but I wish I understood how these things work. It is a good photograph, but I by no means think it’s the best I’ve ever taken …

Both Instagram Hivemind #2 and My #2 are the same because who doesn’t love the beautiful hairiness that are highland cows, but as Steve Carter pointed out via @insta_repeat, I’m by no means original with this shot.

I still love it though.

You can’t tell me what to do.

In case you’re super bored, you can visit my other “best of” posts here: