Best of Uganda 2020

Recently reflecting on my brief time back in Mbale, Uganda in Nov/Dec 2020. So here I present Instagram‘s favorite photos of my time there vs my favorite photos of my time there:

Number 3

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

Makes sense this aerial shot of rural Uganda came in third for both the insta hivemind and myself. It’s an interesting perspective, but nothing all that interesting is happening in the shot. There’s no real “subject” of the image.

Number 2

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

The insta hivemind choose the photo of CURE’s Director of Operations looking out a Missionary Aviation Fellowship flight while I chose the shot of CURE Children’s Hospital of Uganda’s temporary ward set up in their chapel. I love the leading lines that the dividers make, bringing your eye into the solitary nurse directly under the large cross. So much just worked out with this shot!

Number 1

⟻ Yours | Mine ⟼

The hivemind and myself were of the same mind for our favorite shot from my time in Uganda – this shot of the streets of Mbale, Uganda with the mountain rising in the hazy background. The colors. The busyness. The scenery. I just love it all! It also goes to show, you don’t need super high end camera equipment for great shots. This photo was made on my phone and then thrown into the free Lightroom for mobile app for a quick edit.

If you want to see more of my Best Of posts, check out below:

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