Blessed are the Landmines
by Brave Saint Saturn

Blessed are the land-mines
Stretched across the desert floor
God, bless the hands that formed them
Filled their shrapnel hearts with war
May You bless the companies
The goose that laid the golden egg
May they make a million more
Blowing off a million legs
Blessed are the black-tongued ravens
Substituting fear for reason
To hate war is to hate us
If you love peace, then you must love treason
Beat your plowshares into swords
Beat your pulpits, turn your tables
Blessed are the hand-grenades
Bless the church who rattles sabers

This house, is burning
This poison still is worming
This temple, will cave in
There’s nothing here worth saving

Nail the gold up to the altar
Like Ahab taunts his crew to war
Blessed are the shareholders
Lack of faith is for the poor
Hold your wallets to the sky
A temple built to sooth yourself
Blessed is the church who tries
To help you build blessed wealth

The organization I work for, CURE International and more specifically CUREU which is heading up by my friend Katie Rae Spell who also happens to be a incredible writer, just put out a free album for you to download from a variety of our partner artists. Did I mention that it’s free? If you feel so inclined, you can leave a tip on the download which will go straight to helping cure kids with disabilities whether it is here at our hospital in Zambia or one of our other ones around the world. Whether you tip or not, it’s free!

Click here to go to noisetrade and download the album!

Sounds of CURE Zambia

Music is a powerful form of expression and always a popular part of our twice a week chapel gatherings here at CURE Zambia. You can listen to these four songs as a playlist here.

Fwaya ba Yaweh
Search for the Lord
language: bemba

Mwari wa Kanaka
God is Powerful
language: bemba

Yesu Mwamuna wa Mutanda
Jesus, Son of the Cross
language: nyanja

Alansunga Yaweh
God Takes Care of Me
language: bemba