These ways of marriage, kinship, friendship, and neighborhood surround us with forbiddings; they are forms of bondage, and involved in our humanity is always the wish to escape … But involved in our humanity also is the warning that we can escape only into loneliness and meaninglessness.

– Wendell Berry in The Art of the Commonplace | Men and Women in Search of Common Ground p.141

More and more it has seemed to me that the idea of an individual, the idea that there is someone to be known, separate from the relationships, is simply an error.

– Mary Catherine Bateson quoted by Wendell Berry in The Art of the Commonplace | Men and Women in Search of Common Ground p.138

Neither marriage, nor kinship, nor friendship, nor neighborhood can exist with a life expectancy that is merely convenient.

– Wendell Berry in The Art of the Commonplace | Men and Women in Search of Common Ground p.136

Visit this place, O Lord, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy;
let your hold angels dwell with us to preserve us in peace;
and let your blessings be upon us always;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

– from the Book of Common Prayer