Community, however, aspires toward stability. It strives to balance change with constancy. That is why community life places such high value on neighborly love, marital fidelity, local loyalty, the integrity and continuity of family life, respect for the old, and instruction of the young. And a vital community draws its life, so far as is possible, from local sources. It prefers to solve its problems, for example, by nonmonetary exchanges of help, not buying things. A community cannot survive under the rule of competition.

– Wendell Berry in The Art of the Commonplace: Economy and Pleasure p. 212

There’s never a moment when you learn how to be whole, just like there’s never a moment when you learn how to be a mom, or how to see the holy around you. There’s only practice. There’s only noticing. There’s only the constant prayer that your heart would become what God is making it to be.

– Micha Boyett in Found p.221

When we’re ferocious with ourselves we’re more likely to be ferocious with the tenderest ones around us, roaring and stomping and demanding our own way, never stopping to see the fear in the little boy’s eyes or the fear in our own.

– Micha Boyett in Found p.209