Do not go gentle into that good night
Old age should burn and rave at close of day
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
– Dylan Thomas

I’m in Quebec City, Canada for the next few days and with the stress of finishing my master’s thesis past it’s peak, I’ll be behind the camera again and posting a few photos from my adventures up here!

So I am back in Zambia for just under two weeks thanks to the folks over at CLASP International. We worked out a deal where I take some photos and videos for them and they get me back to this country I love. I’m here with a team of speech pathologists, as well as physical and occupational therapists as they see patients and supervise students in the University of Zambia’s speech pathology program, giving them the hours they need in order to complete their program, become speech pathologists themselves, and then be able to supervise other up and coming speech pathology students.

It’s good to be back in Zambia, back with kids, and back behind the camera. I’ll try and post a few of my favourite photos each day, but depending on exhaustion levels and internet connectivity, we’ll see how that works out.