Comments on: Traveling in times of the Coronavirus pandemic: my thoughts/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/travel your dreams in styleFri, 10 Apr 2020 08:39:51 +0000hourly1By: CompassAndCamera/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#comment-174837Sat, 21 Mar 2020 17:28:36 +0000/?p=241435#comment-174837I wish every person in the world could read the words of Marco to understand that every person’s behavior makes a difference in this battle. Staying home and isolating is so easy compared to what Marco and others on the front lines are dealing with daily. Thank you for the reality check. Travel will resume someday and those of us who survive this will all be far more grateful and appreciative of it. Stay healthy!

By: Emma Lindelius/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#comment-174834Sat, 21 Mar 2020 10:32:17 +0000/?p=241435#comment-174834I love your videos of hotels around the world, they are the escape I really need since I have no funds to travel myself. But you should of course stay at home and hopefully avoid this virus until they find a vaccin. However I thought if you run out of footage before this is over, perhaps you could make compliations of dreamy destinations you’ve already visited. For exampel a compliation of all the beautiful beaches or pools. Just a thought 🙂 Stay safe!
Best wishes, Emma

By: Tony Broderick/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#comment-174833Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:59:00 +0000/?p=241435#comment-174833Thanks so much for that really well written piece. I’ve enjoyed your blog for a long time but never commented before. Your sentiment echoes the thoughts I hope of many of your viewers. Get back to doing what you love to do and we love to watch. But only when it is safe for you and your family. Congratulations again. Tony

By: Neil E Dickenson/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#comment-174832Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:29:48 +0000/?p=241435#comment-174832Thank you for your good words and acts, Dr. LTE. These are extraordinary times we live in and through the diligence and hard, necessary work of everyone, we’ll get through. But Dr. Marco’s words tear at the heart and portray the anguish those in the front lines must feel every day. All I can think of are two rules I learned long, long ago:

Rule number 1: Good people die in bad ways every day. And,

Rule number 2: Doctors and nurses, medics and EMTs can’t change rule number 1.

To you and all your brave medical colleagues around the world, please keep fighting rule number 1.
A Fletcherman’s Son

By: Virginia Williams/traveling-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#comment-174831Fri, 20 Mar 2020 15:50:50 +0000/?p=241435#comment-174831First, I want to thank you for all of your kind words and thoughts during this most important time in all of our lives. I think you are just such an awesome and amazing human being, who loves and cares so much about our fantastic world.

Secondly, I wanted to say a big hello to you and your amazing family and friends; and my thoughts goes out to you and your for continued health, happiness, and strength towards keeping you all safe and well. I know that as we all go through this crisis in our lives we will come back all the more stronger and wiser towards one another and our fantastic world around us.

My best wishes goes to helping keep you and yours safe during this time of life.

Virginia Williams
