Comments on: Is Cape Town safe? Everything you need to know about the water crisis/2018/02/09/cape-town-water-crisis/travel your dreams in styleWed, 28 Feb 2018 11:20:22 +0000hourly1By: Andy/2018/02/09/cape-town-water-crisis/#comment-122400Sat, 10 Feb 2018 19:10:55 +0000/?p=191919#comment-122400Thanks very much for that summary, also very well written, good syntax and grammar.

By: Debi-Nikita Rentzke/2018/02/09/cape-town-water-crisis/#comment-122375Sat, 10 Feb 2018 11:57:01 +0000/?p=191919#comment-122375You forgot to mention Durban as another beautiful part of SA to visit. In my opinion, its far better than CT. The warm Indian Ocean to swim in. Beautiful beaches… sunshine all year round.. palm trees and rolling sugar cane fields that go on forever. The beautiful Drakensburg mountains. The valley of a Thousand Hills.
Home to the Zulu warrior nation. Steeped in history as old as the hills. Take a drive aling the South Coast, The wild Coast. Home of the Bunny Chow.. Cape-town is overrated in my opinion. Durban is a place of Adventure. Not too mention AMAZING Game Reserves… diverse in all wildlife.
