Comments on: Review: Anantara Uluwatu, Bali (Indonesia)/review-anantara-uluwatu/travel your dreams in styleWed, 23 Jan 2019 14:01:47 +0000hourly1By: Jason/review-anantara-uluwatu/#comment-173033Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:36:39 +0000/?p=214231#comment-173033Another exceptional report. You are a very good writer, which makes your reports both very enjoyable and helpful to read. This report was so helpful that I know I will never go here, even after it is refurbished. On the other hand I was actually surprised that you would bother to go here in the first place. There is no way this hotel can compare with the other fabulous hotels that you reviewed on your trip. Even at its best this hotel does not compare to the other hotels. You call this an affordable luxury 5 star luxury hotel – I would agree if you are comparing it to a local Holiday Inn or Sheraton, but compared to the other hotels on your trip, at best it is 4 star, and in its current condition it is a 3.5 star hotel.
The service shortcomings you mentioned clearly make it not a five star hotel. Without five star service, a hotel cannot be considered a five star hotel.
I really love your reports – the best in the industry and I read everyone of them, even for properties that I have no interest in visiting.

By: placespaulgoes/review-anantara-uluwatu/#comment-173032Thu, 10 Jan 2019 04:55:12 +0000/?p=214231#comment-173032Great review.. Would love to travel to Bali one day!

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